Ten Steps to Building a Secret Sexual Basement

Picture of Dr. Omar Minwalla

Dr. Omar Minwalla

The Vanishing Point Newsletter

Fall 2024 Issue

The Institute for Sexual Health, Inc.

© Omar Minwalla, Psy.D., 2024-2025, All rights reserved

The Blueprint for Deceptive Sexuality:
Ten Steps to Building a Secret Sexual Basement
A Guide (for Men) to Understanding Infidelity as Abuse


Omar Minwalla, Psy.D.

The Institute for Sexual Health (ISH), Los Angeles

Infidelity is often perceived as an act of sexual betrayal—a momentary moral lapse, a sexual or relational transgression, a violation of a commitment, or a failure in judgment. However, these simplified views fail to account for the true complexity and profound damage that can result from the process of deception. Infidelity is not just about the sexual or emotional behavior itself; it represents a far deeper, more insidious form of reality manipulation. What begins as a violation of sexual boundaries and a breach of trust expands into something much larger: a concealed reality, a secret basement built beneath the foundation of the relationship. This hidden space and covert operation warp the reality of everyone involved, particularly the intimate partner, who remains unaware of the growing secrets beneath them. This white paper explores the concept of deceptive sexuality, using the metaphor of constructing a secret basement to illustrate how infidelity evolves from sexual transgression into a sustained pattern of systemic psychological abuse and relational maltreatment. The true harm is not confined to the violation of sexual boundaries but extends to the deliberate construction and then the operation to maintain a hidden life—a compartmentalized reality that distorts the partner’s perception of truth, causing significant and progressive emotional, psychological, and relational complex trauma.

Public Significance Statement
This white paper explains in ten steps how infidelity is psychological abuse and the mechanics and psychology of deceptive sexuality. This is intended to help those who are suffering, educate the public, and help treatment professionals address a serious professional blind-spot.

Keywords: infidelity, gaslighting, psychological abuse, deceptive sexuality

Case Vignette: Rebecca and Mark
To fully illuminate how deceptive sexuality manifests as abuse, we turn to the real-world case of Rebecca and Mark. Through their story, we will walk through each step of deception, demonstrating how seemingly small decisions accumulate into layers of lies and manipulation that deeply erode the foundation of integrity in a relationship and control, mutate, and shape the reality of those “upstairs”.

Rebecca, 36, had always trusted her husband, Mark, until subtle changes in his behavior began to unsettle her. One evening, Mark came home later than usual, offering a plausible explanation that felt incomplete to Rebecca’s intuition. “Where were you?” she asked, scanning his face for clues. With complete composure, Mark replied, “I was at my mother’s.” In reality, Mark had visited a massage parlor, engaging in sexual activities before rushing home, careful to erase any evidence of his encounter.

As they sat down for dinner with their three children, Rebecca’s unease lingered, but she pushed it aside. Their youngest daughter asked innocently, “How was your day, Dad? Why are you out of breath?” Mark smiled warmly, deflecting with ease: “I saw Grandma today. It was nice. How was school?” This seemingly innocuous interaction was actually a carefully placed brick in the secret sexual basement Mark was constructing. His deception wasn’t just a lie; it was an intentional distortion of Rebecca’s reality, a form of gaslighting designed to conceal his actions and manipulate her neurological survival-based intelligence and gut instincts.

Rebecca now found herself in a psychological bind, caught between two conflicting realities. On one side was Mark’s calm and reassuring narrative, designed to explain his actions in a way that should have made sense. On the other side was her intuition—her gut sense—telling her that something was deeply wrong. This cognitive dissonance of reality-incongruence created psychological turbulence for Rebecca, an unsteady ground, and emotional vulnerability, leaving Rebecca unsure of her own perceptions and increasingly reliant on Mark’s version of events.

The Descent into Abuse
Infidelity, often narrowly defined as a sexual or emotional violation of relationship boundaries, is only the surface symptom, only the first step of a far more complex psychological process. Our cultural focus and preoccupation on the sexual act itself obscure and distract us from seeing clearly the deeper layers of dishonesty, manipulation, and gaslighting that constitute the abuse. We think step one is the entire problem, overlooking the other nine steps of truth. The ten steps in this white paper illuminate the mechanics of infidelity, a clear and logical progression, showing how deceptive sexuality develops from a single act of sexual transgression into a full-scale covert psychological operation, a sustained pattern of psychological abuse. Each step builds on the previous, constructing a secret basement of deception beneath the surface of relational life, covertly and progressively shaping and controlling the emotional, psychological, and relational reality above.

Step 1: Shovel Hits the Ground– Decision to Engage in the Sexual Behavior
The first step of deceptive sexuality begins with a decision—the moment the metaphorical shovel hits the ground. This is the point at which an individual makes the decision and chooses to engage in sexual or relational behavior that violates and falls outside the implicit or explicit rules of the relationship. It could involve an affair, a visit to a massage parlor, or an emotional entanglement that breaches the agreed-upon boundaries and rules.

For Mark, this foundational step occurred when he decided to engage in sexual activities at a massage parlor. At first glance, this might appear to be the central transgression—the moment of infidelity. However, this is only the beginning. While the act itself violates the sexual rules and trust between Rebecca and Mark, the deeper harm lies in what follows: the decision to conceal this truth. Mark now faces a critical choice: to either tell the truth and come clean or to continue digging, laying the next layer of dishonesty and deceit. This decision is no longer about sex; it is about whether Mark will choose integrity with Rebecca and his family or choose to deceive the people he claims to love.

Key Takeaway 1: When you first decide to step outside the sexual or relational boundaries of your relationship, that’s only the start of the story, or step one. The real question is: Will you own up to your actions, or will you dig further and build the next step, constructing a secret compartment with your lies? The choice to stop digging and to go back upstairs is yours.

Step 2: Framework of Lies – Decision to Compartmentalize
The second step in building a secret sexual basement involves the decision to compartmentalize by making a deliberate choice to lie and not disclose. After the initial decision to engage in the sexual behavior, the next decision is whether to tell the truth or to deceive. This is the moment when the walls of the basement are framed. By choosing to lie, the person creates a hidden compartment—an alternate reality where their actions remain concealed from their partner and the people upstairs.

While some may struggle to control their sexual urges and behavior, they still have the option to go back upstairs and speak the truth. However, in Mark’s case, after returning from the massage parlor, he made a conscious decision to hide his actions. When Rebecca asked him where he had been, Mark could have been honest and sought to repair the breach of trust caused by his infidelity. Instead, he chose to lie, claiming that he had visited his mother. This was not just a simple lie; it was the construction of a secret space in which his sexual behavior could be hidden, and stay apart, from the life he shared with Rebecca.

Compartmentalization allows for the creation of two distinct realities: the persona in the life shared with the partner and the secret life hidden in the basement. Each time Mark lies, he reinforces the walls of this hidden compartment, strengthening the divide between his secret sexual actions and the false persona he presents to Rebecca. Over time, this deception becomes routine, and the hidden basement grows larger, separating Mark’s true self from the person he pretends to be, the mask he wears upstairs.

This compartmentalization is abusive because it intentionally distorts Rebecca’s reality and understanding of their shared life. By withholding the truth, Mark forces Rebecca to live in a manipulated version of reality—one that has been carefully constructed by Mark to keep her in the dark. As this deception continues, it becomes increasingly disorienting and emotionally harmful to Rebecca, who unknowingly and without her consent, inhabits a world, with her children, built on lies and intentionally distorted information.

Key Takeaway 2:  The moment you decide to lie and hide your actions, you build the second step, erecting walls of deception that begin constructing the frame of a double life. This isn’t just about hiding and concealing what you did—it’s about forcing your partner to live in a version of reality that isn’t true. Each lie adds another wall to the secret compartment, another layer to your mask, trapping your partner in a distorted understanding of the truth. This is no longer just about sex, but about a serious dishonesty problem.

Step 3: Hidden Blueprint – Commanding a Covert Psychological Operation
The third step in building a secret sexual life is committing to lead a covert psychological operation—a deliberate, organized agenda to keep the hidden basement invisible to your partner and family over the long haul. Deception now extends beyond sporadic lies; it becomes a sustained, calculated strategy to control information, reshape perceptions, and ensure that the hidden world below remains concealed. This covert operation allows the deceiver to lead a dual existence: a persona in plain sight upstairs and a secret life concealed in the basement.

The primary goal here is to maintain two realities: the visible world shared with a partner, family, and social circle, and the unseen basement where hidden desires reside. The aim may not be to actively harm those upstairs, but it is to withhold crucial, life-altering information—intentionally shaping their experiences and manipulating their reality. Over time, this operation transforms into an all-encompassing campaign of psychological manipulation, effectively a form of domestic information warfare designed to prevent those upstairs from uncovering the truth of their relationship, family, or life.

For Mark, this covert operation was no longer just about keeping secrets—it was a constant, intentional campaign to maintain the illusion of normalcy. Lies, like the one about visiting his mother, became tactical maneuvers, not random cover-ups. Each lie was meticulously crafted to ensure that Rebecca and the children would remain oblivious to the basement’s existence. Mark controlled what Rebecca, and the family perceived and believed, molding their understanding of reality to fit his hidden agenda. In this psychological operation, Rebecca and the children were not individuals to be valued, respected, and included, they became obstacles in a plan he was determined to protect.

To command his operation required vigilance. Mark had to ensure no stray clues could lead Rebecca to the truth. Each lie had to be thorough, believable, and capable of withstanding scrutiny. Meanwhile, Rebecca’s instincts occasionally sounded alarms, yet Mark’s plausible explanations kept attempting to soothe her doubts. This manipulation gradually chipped away at her trust in her own perceptions and survival instincts, diminishing her self-confidence and distorting her understanding of reality. Over time, this form of psychological abuse did more than alter her perception of her relationship with Mark—it made her question her entire sense of self and reality.

Key Takeaway 3:  Once you commit to deception, it’s no longer just about hiding a single mistake—you’re operating a covert psychological operation. As the commander of this operation, you control the flow of information and reshape your partner’s reality through gaslighting, a specific form of psychological abuse. This control isn’t accidental; it’s a choice—an organized agenda of withholding life-altering information. Each manipulation distorts not only their trust in you but also their trust in themselves. As the leader of this operation, remember: the power to end it rests in your hands. The choice to continue this type of information warfare—or to end it and choose truth—remains yours.

Step 4: Entitlement Engine – The Psychology of Sexual Entitlement
The fourth step in constructing a secret sexual basement is fueled by the psychology of sexual entitlement—a belief system that prioritizes personal gratification over the rights, well-being, and basic respect owed to others. This entitlement serves as the engine driving the entire covert operation, operating as the intelligence center that justifies deception under the guise of personal “needs” or “rights.” The person with sexual entitlement rationalizes their behavior, convincing themselves that as long as the basement remains hidden, no harm is being done. This mindset keeps the basement “open” for continued indulgence, maintaining the illusion of normalcy upstairs while concealing the reality below.

Sexual entitlement is a distorted belief that prioritizes the hidden sexual life above the human rights and basic consideration for the partner, family, or children. While healthy entitlement fosters self-respect, toxic sexual entitlement distorts it, allowing one to believe they “deserve” to engage in harmful behaviors, despite the impact on others. In the context of infidelity, this mindset works overtime to minimize, justify, or rationalize the harm being done, allowing the individual to maintain the illusion that their secret life is somehow separate from the rest of their relationships and responsibilities.

For Mark, entitlement was the key that unlocked his secret life. He convinced himself he “deserved” these indulgences—after all, he worked hard, supported his family, and took on the role of a “good” husband and father. His trips to the massage parlor felt like a personal reward, something he’d “earned.” This entitlement allowed him to sustain the covert operation, reassuring himself that as long as Rebecca didn’t know, no real harm was being done.

People engaging in deceptive sexuality may even convince themselves that secrecy is a way to protect their partner and family, further justifying the deception. They may see themselves as still being a “good” partner or parent, despite the ongoing harm. For Mark, the belief that his actions didn’t affect his role as husband or father was bolstered by the idea that, as long as the basement remained hidden, no one upstairs would be hurt. This enabled him to compartmentalize his actions, separating his desires from the real damage inflicted on Rebecca and his family.

Key Takeaway 4: The psychology of sexual entitlement prioritizes the secret basement and personal gratification over the well-being, rights, and respect due to others. This thought system fuels your covert operation, rationalizing harm as “no big deal” or “part of being a man.” You convince yourself that as long as they don’t know, no one gets hurt. Entitlement gives you the green light to sustain the operation, continually choosing the basement over the people upstairs.

Step 5: Integrity Erosion – Using Integrity-Abuse Behaviors as Tactics
The fifth step in constructing a secret sexual life involves integrity-abuse behaviors—the calculated tactics and strategies essential for maintaining the covert operation. These behaviors signify an erosion of integrity and honesty, designed to keep the secret sexual basement hidden from view. Integrity-abuse behaviors, such as lying, omitting the truth, and manipulating the partner’s perception of reality, are not isolated lapses in judgment but form consistent patterns intended to preserve the divide between the partner’s “upstairs” world and the hidden basement below.

These behaviors do more than betray trust; they compromise the very foundation of the relationship, forming ongoing patterns of emotional, relational, and psychological harm. Integrity-abuse acts like termites, gnawing away at the structure of the home and steadily weakening the partner’s psychological resilience, often without overt signs. Each lie, omission, and act of distortion adds another layer to the walls of deception, further solidifying the secret basement and weakening the psychological health of those above. Though the “house” may seem intact, the integrity below is crumbling, slowly distorting the reality and well-being of those upstairs.

Integrity-abuse behaviors include fabricating stories, omitting key details, deflecting, twisting the truth, blaming the victim, lying by omission, and denying responsibility. For Mark, these tactics became reflexive, tools he used frequently to prevent Rebecca from discovering his secret life. One evening, when Rebecca returned home unexpectedly, Mark quickly pretended to be folding laundry, covering up the fact that he’d been browsing dating apps. These small, calculated acts of deception may seem minor in isolation, but together, they reinforced the walls of his secret basement, creating an ever-widening gap between his hidden life and the reality Rebecca inhabited.

The real harm of integrity-abuse behaviors lies in their cumulative effect. They gradually distort the partner’s reality, leading to confusion, doubt, and insecurity. Over time, these tactics undermine the partner’s ability to trust not only the deceiver but also their own instincts and perceptions. For Rebecca, Mark’s ongoing use of integrity-abuse behaviors slowly eroded her trust in him and, critically, her ability to trust herself. Each lie deepened the fracture in their relationship, corroding the foundational trust.

These behaviors are abusive because they fabricate an alternate reality for the partner—a distorted version of the truth built to sustain the double life. The ongoing patterns of lying, omission, and manipulation lead to profound emotional and psychological harm, often resulting in complex trauma. This trauma, born of repeated exposure to dishonesty, negatively impacts psychological resilience and emotional well-being. Mark believed that hiding the truth was a way to protect Rebecca from pain, but in reality, he was inflicting lasting psychological harm. His manipulations created an environment where Rebecca’s sense of safety and security steadily eroded. While their relationship appeared intact to the outside world, the foundation was crumbling under the weight of deception (See Summary Table).

Key Takeaway 5: Your covert operation depends on integrity-abuse behaviors—lying, omission, manipulation, blame, denial, minimization, deflection, and more. These tactics are patterns of ongoing harm and trauma, eroding the trust and honesty at the core of any healthy relationship. Over time, you undermine your partner’s sense of safety, stability, and self-worth. Like termites in the floor, the hidden basement is quietly rotting the foundation of truth and damaging the health of your partner and relationships above.

Step 6: Smoke and Mirrors – Relying on a System of Gaslighting
The sixth step in building the secret sexual basement is gaslighting—a central tool of psychological control that defines and drives the entire covert operation. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where one person manipulates another into doubting their own perception of reality. In deceptive sexuality, gaslighting becomes the core agenda: to maintain the illusion that everything “upstairs” is stable and normal while the basement remains hidden and intact. This covert operation revolves around a system of gaslighting, designed to intentionally manipulate the partner’s perceptions of reality.

In this operation, the light within the relationship is deliberately distorted, refracted through layers of deceit. The partner engaging in gaslighting ensures that their significant other only sees the version of reality that’s intended – truths are bent, fractured, and presented in carefully crafted fragments. This manipulation feeds the partner selectively filtered information, causing them to question their own instincts and perceptions and ultimately dimming their understanding of what is truly happening in their world. Gaslighting creates an environment of confusion and uncertainty, making the partner dependent on the distorted narrative maintained by the deceiver.

The integrity-abuse tactics that sustain the operation—denial, misdirection, contradiction, and minimization—are not isolated acts but parts of an ongoing system of gaslighting. By using these tactics, the abuser controls the partner’s perception of reality and keeps them psychologically dependent. In cases involving infidelity, compulsive sexual behavior, or sex addiction, gaslighting is employed to maintain control by fostering a constant state of doubt and disorientation. When Rebecca began questioning Mark’s behavior, his responses illustrated classic gaslighting. He dismissed her concerns as paranoia or imagination. Each time Rebecca trusted her instincts and tried to address her sense that something was wrong, Mark countered with plausible explanations and calm reassurances, forcing her into a painful choice: should she trust her gut instincts (Door A) or accept the version of reality Mark presented (Door B)? This forced choice fractures the partner’s sense of reality, creating psychological and emotional turbulence and instability. Over time, gaslighting eroded Rebecca’s confidence in her own perceptions, leaving her in a state of self-doubt. Mark’s manipulation not only kept his basement hidden but also slowly stripped Rebecca’s ability to trust herself.

Key Takeaway 6:  When you gaslight your partner—making them doubt their own instincts and perceptions—you construct an illusion that traps them in a basement of lies. Gaslighting is a powerful form of abuse that systematically erodes a person’s autonomy and sense of survival. The entire covert operation becomes a system of gaslighting, manipulating the partner’s reality into a house of mirrors where they can no longer see their own reflection—or the truth around them—clearly.

Step 7: Illusion Chamber – A State of Intentionally Manipulated Reality (IMR)
The seventh step in constructing the secret sexual basement is the creation of an Intentionally Manipulated Reality (IMR)—a psychological state where the partner is unknowingly trapped in a distorted world, carefully shaped by lies, manipulation, and gaslighting. By this stage, the basement of deception is fully constructed, and the person upstairs—like Rebecca—now lives under an oppressive regime, a reality that is deliberately controlled and curated by the operation’s commander, such as Mark. The walls of this illusion chamber are padded with layers of deceit, leaving the partner unable to distinguish between truth and fiction.

This state of IMR is one of domination, control, and oppression, where truth is obscured, and the partner is fed only carefully selected or altered information. The person engaged in deceptive sexuality uses this manipulation to sustain their double life, intentionally withholding crucial information the partner needs to make autonomous, informed choices about their life, relationship, children, and survival. The basement remains hidden, but its effects run deep, creating a parallel universe where the partner is subjected to a continuous, intentional manipulation of reality.

For Rebecca, this meant living in a state of chronic anxiety, emotional distress, and unrelenting doubt. Each time her instincts told her something was wrong, Mark’s gaslighting would bend her perceptions, causing her to doubt herself. Over time, the psychological abuse inherent in this intentionally manipulated reality eroded her sense of self, leaving her disoriented and increasingly dependent on the version of reality Mark constructed for her. This manipulation became a constant, oppressive state, trapping her in a reality she had never chosen or consented to.

Key Takeaway 7: Your partner now lives in an Intentionally Manipulated Reality (IMR)—a state carefully controlled by your lies, manipulations, and dishonest strategies. This goes beyond dishonesty; it’s a form of psychological abuse. You are holding your partner and family hostage to a toxic reality, robbing them of a life they would have chosen freely. The more you distort their reality, the more harm you inflict on their autonomy and mental health. If you truly seek to repair this damage, you must dismantle the illusion chamber, end the integrity-abuse, and bring everything back into the light of truth.

Step 8: The Infidelity Blind Spot – Society’s Unseen Normalization of Abuse
The eighth step in the construction of deceptive sexuality involves society’s perpetuation of the infidelity blind spot—a collective failure to see the full extent of harm caused by deceptive sexuality. This blind spot is like an elephant in the room: undeniable, yet ignored. It prevents individuals and society from recognizing infidelity as more than just a sexual misstep—it is a form of psychological and relational abuse. Over time, this abuse becomes normalized, as though this hidden basement of deception were always part of the house, woven into everyday life across neighborhoods, communities, and cultures.

Our societal focus on infidelity as only the sexual behavior itself obscures the deeper, more insidious patterns of deception, gaslighting, and relational erosion that come with it. This narrow view allows the covert psychological abuse of deceptive sexuality to thrive unchecked, as if the secret sexual basement is an unremarkable, even expected, part of relationships. Failing to name this abuse—avoiding the “a” word—leaves it invisible and therefore normalized. In reality, deceptive sexuality may be one of the most pervasive forms of abuse worldwide—yet it remains one of the most hidden, ingrained unconsciously in human life, present in our psyches and communities everywhere. As a result, victims often struggle to fully understand or articulate their pain, feeling isolated as others downplay their trauma, focusing only on the sexual betrayal while ignoring the ongoing manipulation and distortion of their reality. For Rebecca, this blind spot meant that when she sought help—from friends, family, or even a therapist—the conversation centered on Mark’s sexual behavior, not on the emotional and psychological abuse she endured through his broader pattern of deception. Her real suffering—constant gaslighting, the erosion of self-trust, and the intentional manipulation of her reality—was overshadowed by society’s fixation on the sexual act itself. This societal blind spot leaves individuals like Rebecca unsupported and invalidated, while allowing people like Mark to continue their deceit without ever being held accountable as abusers.

Key Takeaway 8: Infidelity is about more than cheating—it’s about the emotional, relational, and psychological abuse needed to sustain it. Society’s blind spot often normalizes infidelity, skirting around the reality of abuse. But the truth is, this behavior deeply harms those you love. Infidelity creates a hidden victim, a target of covert psychological manipulation who has been held hostage in an intentionally distorted reality—a form of domination and control, often sustained for years through gaslighting and psychological abuse. What they don’t know is hurting them. Recognizing infidelity as abuse is the first step toward understanding the profound harm you’ve caused and may still be causing.

Step 9: Support Structures and Reinforcements – Male Socialization and Collusion
The ninth step in constructing deceptive sexuality is the force of male socialization into a psychology of sexual entitlement, supported by an organized social collusion that acts as reinforcement beams holding up the hidden basement. This socialization encourages, normalizes, and often demands secrecy in the construction of secret sexual basements, embedding them into the very core of masculine identity and giving men tacit approval to live double lives without fear of consequences. From a young age, boys are often socialized to see sexual conquest as ego inflation and a marker of masculinity, with infidelity framed as an expected—even celebrated—expression of male privilege, status, and power.

Male socialization fosters a type of group collusion, a “man code,” where men are conditioned to keep each other’s secret lives hidden from the people upstairs—traditionally women, children, and the family. This code is part of a masculinity blueprint that grants club members the “right” to a secret sexual life, while expecting the support and silence of other men. Silence becomes the rule, and breaking it is considered a betrayal of male solidarity, over women. Through this code, boys and men are groomed to believe that lying about sex, especially to their partners and families, is an acceptable, unspoken exception to honesty—a cognitive distortion that undermines the very concept of integrity.

The collective agreement around this “masculinity hall pass” allows men to maintain a self-image of an “honest man of integrity” even as they keep their sexual lives hidden with dishonesty. According to this toxic mindset, lying about sex simply “doesn’t count.” This silent collusion nurtures sexual dishonesty into the masculine identity, implying that men can continue lying about their sexual lives and still hold onto their integrity—a distortion of the truth embedded in male socialization.

This understanding is largely unspoken, ingrained through social cues and cultural messaging. Patriarchal systems reinforce this masculine blueprint for constructing secret lives, by maintaining the blind-spot, framing them not as abuse but as a normal part of male identity. Rather than learning to integrate their sexuality into a shared, open reality “upstairs,” men are conditioned to both cheat and then compartmentalize, fostering deception as a core element of male entitlement, power and privilege.

Phrases like “boys will be boys” provide a cover and cultural justification for infidelity, making it easier for men to rationalize and normalize these actions, avoiding accountability. The secret basement becomes a space where men feel entitled to indulge, all while maintaining an image as “honest men.” For Mark, this sense of entitlement was reinforced by his corporate environment, where infidelity and visits to strip clubs during business trips were seen as routine male behavior. His peers actively colluded in maintaining this double life, silently supporting, in fact, enticing and encouraging, secrecy and deceit as part of “being a man.”

Rebecca, too, was affected by societal collusion. When she expressed discomfort with Mark’s behavior, friends and family often dismissed her concerns, implying it was her responsibility to adapt. Even her therapist, influenced by cultural norms, focused on managing Rebecca’s discomfort rather than addressing the abusive patterns in Mark’s behavior. This collusion reinforces the idea that dishonesty in sexual matters is acceptable for men, leaving women like Rebecca to bear the emotional toll of their partners’ secret lives.

The harm caused by deceptive sexuality is not rooted in biological drives but in how boys and men are socialized to accept and enact forms of sexual entitlement. This grooming teaches them that secrecy and dishonesty are acceptable aspects of masculinity, fueling the societal structures that allow deceptive sexuality to persist.

Key Takeaway 9: Society may tell you that secret sexual lives and cheating are part of being a man, but that’s a toxic lie. You’ve been conditioned to believe that lying and infidelity are markers of masculinity—but they’re not. To break free, you need to unlearn these harmful beliefs. It’s time to stop building secret basements and start building relationships grounded in honesty and integrity. Learn to use your voice over violent deception, keeping everything “upstairs,” in one reality.

Step 10: The Underground Rock – Societal Sexual Compartmentalization
The tenth and final step in constructing a secret sexual basement excavates deep into societal forces—the systemic compartmentalization, repression, and oppression of human sexuality. At its core, deceptive sexuality finds roots in a world that systematically restricts and distorts healthy sexual development. Society’s longstanding legacy of control over sexuality has created an environment of fear, shame, immaturity, and secrecy. This “rock” beneath our collective lives is formed from centuries of oppression, fear, guilt, and persecution—tools historically and still used to control and define human sexuality, gender, and bodies. These forces, institutionalized within cultural, relational, and psychological norms, dictate the boundaries of acceptable expression, pushing individuals to suppress their authentic sexual identities and hide them in metaphorical basements, steeped in shame.

Each of us has been harmed by this system. From our first encounters with sexuality, we are subjected to restrictive, fear-based prescriptions on what is “normal.” The mere mention of the word “sex” often brings discomfort—a clear signal of how profoundly we lack integration and maturity around this topic. This discomfort isn’t accidental: the systematic withholding of accurate information and open discussion around sexuality keeps us in a childlike state, unable to approach the subject with an adult perspective or voice. And withholding education is, at its heart, a strategy for disempowerment, allowing society to exert control over human sexual and gender development and expression.

In a world where sexual expression is globally repressed, people are subjected to ongoing fear, ridicule, marginalization, stigma, shame, or violence for being honest about their sexual selves. This forced silence leads many to disconnect their sexual lives from their public or relational selves. They internalize messages of shame and suppression, growing to believe their sexual desires must be hidden. This culture of repression and control creates ideal conditions for deceptive sexuality to flourish. Compelled to hide their authentic sexual selves, lacking voices and education to discuss this fundamental part of their reality, people are primed to build secret basements out of guilt, fear, shame, and immaturity. Without skills, knowledge, or a framework to voice, learn, grow, and integrate their sexuality into their whole lives, they compartmentalize, based on being groomed to always compartmentalize and maltreat this part of reality, our psyche, and human life. 

Mark’s story offers a clear example. Growing up in an environment where sex was a forbidden topic, he quickly learned to view his sexual desires as something to be hidden. When he married Rebecca, they shared a life and raised children together, yet they never developed an adult, honest approach to sexuality—nor did they see its central role in their relationship. Instead of sharing his desires and insecurities openly, Mark chose to compartmentalize, creating a secret basement as a refuge from judgment and rejection. This compartmentalization offered an illusion of control, but it ultimately became a prison of his own making, denying him the authenticity he craved and pulling his family into a web of deception. The societal demand for sexual compartmentalization forces people into divided lives, promoting dishonesty, fracturing relationships, and fueling the creation of toxic secret spaces. The true antidote to deceptive sexuality is authentic, honest sexuality—free from the shame and repression imposed by society. As long as we live in a world that stigmatizes healthy sexual development, emotional maturity, and open expression, secret basements will continue to be built, trapping individuals and families in cycles of harm. To dismantle these basements, we must challenge the repressive and shame-based social conditioning around sexuality and cultivate a culture of honesty—one that embraces all parts of human identity, including sexuality, as central to our truth and integrity.  The journey from deceptive sexuality to honest sexuality is a journey from oppression to emancipation, from dark to light.

Key Takeaway 10: The opposite of deceptive sexuality is honest sexuality. As long as you repress or compartmentalize your sexual self, secret basements will continue to be built. Society may have taught you to see sexuality as shameful or wrong, but this stigma has created a damaging cycle of secrecy, fear, and forced compartmentalization. Now is the time to face your fears, shame, and immaturity, and bring your whole self—including your authentic sexual self—step-by-step, upstairs, into the light. By knowing and valuing your humanity, including your sexual truth and worth, you can emancipate yourself from cycles of deception and choose a journey towards intentionally authentic sexuality and becoming an honest person, partner and parent.   

From Cover Story to Constructing Steps: Understanding the Process
Mark’s story demonstrates how a single decision—such as engaging in secret sexual behavior—can escalate into a constructed life of deception built on lies and manipulation. The ten steps outlined in this white paper reveal how deceptive sexuality evolves from a seemingly isolated act of infidelity into a full-scale covert psychological operation that inflicts serious harm on the people living “upstairs.”

These steps illustrate how individual decisions, societal forces, and systemic factors blend to form an operation of deception. Beginning with the initial choice to cheat (Step 1) and the decision to lie (Step 2), progressing to the construction of a covert operation (Step 3) driven by entitlement (Step 4), each step builds upon the last. As integrity-abuse tactics (Step 5) sustain the deception, gaslighting (Step 6) becomes the central tactic of the operation, creating an intentionally manipulated reality (Step 7) that traps the partner in a fog of lies. Societal blind spots (Step 8) normalize these dynamics, masculine social reinforcement (Step 9) sustains the covert operation, and deep-rooted sexual repression (Step 10) provides the foundation upon which this basement is built.

Illumination of the Truth: Breaking New Ground
Infidelity is not a single act of betrayal; it’s the gradual construction of a hidden, deceptive reality—a secret basement built beneath the relational life shared with a partner and family. Often, we view infidelity only through the lens of its first step, unaware that nine additional steps of manipulation and abuse follow, forming the unseen structure of deception. This basement is built brick by brick, its foundation laid with dishonesty, manipulation, and psychological abuse. The ten steps outlined in this paper expose the mechanisms of deceptive sexuality, showing how harm extends far beyond any singular act, affecting the partner, children, and family system living “upstairs.”

Exposing these steps helps us name what has been hidden for too long. Infidelity is not just about broken sexual boundaries—it’s a complex, abusive process that distorts reality and traps victims in a world of manipulation. By examining these steps, we gain insight into how systemic gaslighting, integrity-abuse behaviors, and societal blind spots reinforce an insidious pattern of psychological abuse. We can finally understand infidelity as it is: a covert psychological operation that distorts truth, erodes trust, and inflicts lasting trauma. Steps 8, 9, and 10 highlight the wider social structures that allow deceptive sexuality to flourish: male socialization, societal collusion, and sexual compartmentalization. These forces uphold the secret basement, reinforcing toxic beliefs and norms that tolerate dishonesty in intimate relationships. In these final steps, we solidify the term deceptive sexuality, naming it for what it truly is—a system of abuse.

Calling Out the Secret Sexual Basement as Abuse
As society evolves, we must dismantle the toxic systems that permit deceptive sexuality to persist. We must name the abuse, break the silence, and confront the cultural reinforcements that sustain these harmful behaviors. Only then can we foster a culture that values honesty, integrity, and healthy, open sexuality. By bringing the secret basement into the light, we free individuals like Rebecca—and countless others—from the oppressive systems that keep them in the dark. By naming this basement as abuse, we provide a path toward healthy masculinity, mature socialization for boys and men, and the evolution of human sexuality toward integration and health.

The path to healing begins with truth. Only by confronting the denial, lies, and collective reinforcements that support deceptive sexuality can we begin to cultivate healthier, more authentic relationships—both personally and societally. Intentionally Manipulated Reality (IMR) breeds disease; Intentionally Accurate-Authentic Reality (IAR) fosters health. It’s time to call out the basement for what it is—abuse—and choose IAR.

Deconstruct the basement. Choose truth. Choose health.

O. Minwalla, (2024). The Blueprint for Deceptive Sexuality: Ten Steps to Building a Secret Sexual Basement, A Guide (for Men) to Understanding Infidelity as Abuse. The Vanishing Point Newsletter, Fall 2024 Issue. Los Angeles, California, The Institute for Sexual Health, Inc.

© Omar Minwalla, Psy.D., 2024-2025, All rights reserved


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Trish Haight, LMFT

Licensed Psychotherapist

Trish Haight, LMFT is a certified Deceptive Sexuality and Trauma Therapist (DSTT), a specialization in deceptive sexuality and trauma (DST), offered by The Institute for Sexual Health (ISH).Trish is a leading professional voice in Deceptive Sexuality and Trauma Treatment (DSTT) and is an Adjunct Professor and Faculty Member of The Institute for Sexual Health (ISH), and currently teaches Level 2 and 3 of the DSTT Professional Training along with Dr. Omar Minwalla, Licensed Psychologist and Clinical Sexologist. Trish formally trained directly under Dr. Omar Minwalla and was an instrumental part of Dr. Minwalla’s original core clinical treatment team at The Institute for Sexual Health from 2009 – 2015, which is referred to as Dr. Minwalla’s, Sacred Clinical Incubator, giving birth to both DSTT and IVTT, Intentional Vibe Trauma Treatment. IVTT is a treatment for systemic abuse, injustice, and complex trauma, and relevant in particular to survivor-based communities.

Dr. Omar Minwalla, Psy.D.

Licensed Psychologist & Clinical Sexologist

Dr. Omar Minwalla is a Licensed Psychologist and Clinical Sexologist trained at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Dr. Minwalla has spent 20 years as a first responder on the front lines of treating infidelity and compulsive sexual behavior. His grounded theory of Deceptive Sexuality and Trauma Treatment (DSTT) not only establishes a new standard of care for the treatment of infidelity, compulsive sexual behavior disorders, and sex addiction, but shines a light on a unique method for the treatment of systemic abuse, injustice and complex trauma, called Intentional Vibe Trauma Treatment (IVTT). Dr. Minwalla is the founder of The Institute for Sexual Health (ISH) which was one of the first and only U.S. treatment centers to challenge the “co-sex addict” model and articulate the systemic abuse associated with infidelity and compulsive sexual behavior disorder.

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