Laurie Hall


7479 Charrington Court, Indianapolis IN 46254 United States

Laurie S. Hall, MS Psy(c), Certified Partner Coach, Certified Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional

Director of the Partner Support Program for Begin Again Institute


  1. Individual work with betrayed partners
  2. Individual work with those struggling with problematic sexual behavior
  3. Couple repair work after betrayal
  4. Disclosure preparation and facilitation


I weave the Minwalla model into my couple’s work. It’s so very helpful in identifying the partner’s wounds that need to be addressed as part of healing the coupleship and also in identifying abusive behaviors that may be continuing to damage the coupleship.

I also weave the Minwalla model into my partner work; helping betrayed partners understand how and where their six core psychological functions have been shaped by the 22 rooms in the Deceptive Sexuality Trauma Hospital.

In addition, I use Dr. Minwalla’s Integrity Abuse Disorder behaviors when I am working with clients who have engaged in problematic sexual behavior, to help them understand the various ways they have maintained control over their partner and to help them understand how to target these abusive behaviors and shift to behaviors that will create a healthy, secure attachment with their partner.