The Institute for Sexual Health, Inc.

The Vanishing Point Articles

Articles on Deceptive Sexuality, Trauma & Treatment

Recent Articles

Ten Steps to Building a Secret Sexual Basement

New White Paper 2025 by Dr. Minwalla! The Blueprint for Deceptive Sexuality: Ten Steps to Building a Secret Sexual Basement A Guide (for Men) to Understanding Infidelity as Abuse.

Gaslighting and Deceptive Sexuality


Male Socialization as a System of Psychological Violence

All Articles

Ten Steps to Building a Secret Sexual Basement

New White Paper 2025 by Dr. Minwalla! The Blueprint for Deceptive Sexuality: Ten Steps to Building a Secret Sexual Basement A Guide (for Men) to Understanding Infidelity as Abuse.

Gaslighting and Deceptive Sexuality

This article delves into the concept of gaslighting as a form of psychological abuse, specifically focusing on its application to deceptive sexuality, which includes infidelity, sex addiction, and compulsive sexual behavior. It explores deceptive compartmentalized sexual or relational realities (DCSR) as a form of covert psychological operations that manipulate reality.

Male Socialization as a System of Psychological Violence

This article explores the concept of complex trauma shaping, drawing from Judith Herman’s foundational work on complex trauma, and presents educational metaphors that illuminate this process.

Dishonesty is Abuse?

This article introduces, defines, and provides a description of the proposed clinical term, integrity-abuse disorder (IAD), a specified type of psychological abuse disorder related to agendas of dishonesty, deliberate deception, and the intentional psychological manipulation of victim reality.

Cheating is a Dishonesty Problem, Not Just a Sex Problem

This article begins by examining the prevailing views on infidelity and compulsive sexual behavior, which predominantly center on sexual and relational acts or behavior. It then shifts focus to the concept of deceptive compartmentalization and its significant impact on both infidelity and compulsive sexual behavior or sex addiction, defining it as a form of psychological abuse that is frequently underrecognized or downplayed, yet highly comorbid with both infidelity and sexual compulsivity.

Sexual Compulsivity or Sexual Entitlement?

Sexual compulsivity is “a lack of control” problem, and sexual entitlement is an “I don’t want to control” problem. One is an impulse control issue, and the other represents an unhealthy psychology and belief system.

Professional Education and Training 2025

This education and training helps professionals become more aware, ethically informed, and able to treat the psychological abuse and trauma associated with infidelity and compulsive sexual behavior disorder.

Waiting List

Dates for the next Level 3 Education and Training Cohort are yet to be decided. However, you may submit an application for Level 1 now and be on our waiting list.

Waiting List

Dates for the next Level 2 Education and Training Cohort are yet to be decided. However, you may submit an application for Level 1 now and be on our waiting list.

Waiting List

Dates for the next Level 1 Education and Training Cohort are yet to be decided. However, you may submit an application now and be on our waiting list.

Be a Better Man 2: The Ten steps curriculum

A new curriculum that educates on the Ten Steps to Deceptive Sexuality, and also integrates education on what to start doing, actions and how to consider developing a plan, after the Illumination, with a focus on three types of work: Integrity-Abuse Behavioral work, Attending work (how to help those harmed), and Ego work (your Self). The program will likely be starting mid-April 2025, be once per week for about 2 hours, and will run for 12 consecutive weeks.

Student Discount

If you are a clinical grad student or currently unlicensed but under the supervision of a licensed professional, you are considered a candidate to receive a 50% discount for the entire Levels 1-4.

Group Discount

If you have a group of 4 or more clinicians/professionals who practice in a treatment center or healthcare facility, you may qualify for a group discount.

Level 4 Applications Open May 5, 2024?

Only professionals who have successfully completed Level 1 and Level 2 can apply for Level 3.??

Level 1 Application and Registration Open Now

  • Level 1 Application and Registration Ends: April 7, 2024.
  • To Avail Early Bird Discount for Level 1, Please register before: February 28, 2024.

Level 3 Applications Open Oct 6, 2024

Only professionals who have successfully completed Level 1 and Level 2 can apply for Level 3.

Level 1 Application and Registration Open Now

  • Level 1 Application and Registration Ends: April 7, 2024.
  • To Avail Early Bird Discount for Level 1, Please register before: February 28, 2024.

Level 2 Applications Open May 5, 2024

Only professionals who have successfully completed level 1 can apply for Level 2.

Level 1 Application and Registration Open Now

  • Level 1 Application and Registration Ends: April 7, 2024.
  • To Avail Early Bird Discount for Level 1, Please register before: February 28, 2024.

Trish Haight, LMFT

Licensed Psychotherapist

Trish Haight, LMFT is a certified Deceptive Sexuality and Trauma Therapist (DSTT), a specialization in deceptive sexuality and trauma (DST), offered by The Institute for Sexual Health (ISH).Trish is a leading professional voice in Deceptive Sexuality and Trauma Treatment (DSTT) and is an Adjunct Professor and Faculty Member of The Institute for Sexual Health (ISH), and currently teaches Level 2 and 3 of the DSTT Professional Training along with Dr. Omar Minwalla, Licensed Psychologist and Clinical Sexologist. Trish formally trained directly under Dr. Omar Minwalla and was an instrumental part of Dr. Minwalla’s original core clinical treatment team at The Institute for Sexual Health from 2009 – 2015, which is referred to as Dr. Minwalla’s, Sacred Clinical Incubator, giving birth to both DSTT and IVTT, Intentional Vibe Trauma Treatment. IVTT is a treatment for systemic abuse, injustice, and complex trauma, and relevant in particular to survivor-based communities.

Dr. Omar Minwalla, Psy.D.

Licensed Psychologist & Clinical Sexologist

Dr. Omar Minwalla is a Licensed Psychologist and Clinical Sexologist trained at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Dr. Minwalla has spent 20 years as a first responder on the front lines of treating infidelity and compulsive sexual behavior. His grounded theory of Deceptive Sexuality and Trauma Treatment (DSTT) not only establishes a new standard of care for the treatment of infidelity, compulsive sexual behavior disorders, and sex addiction, but shines a light on a unique method for the treatment of systemic abuse, injustice and complex trauma, called Intentional Vibe Trauma Treatment (IVTT). Dr. Minwalla is the founder of The Institute for Sexual Health (ISH) which was one of the first and only U.S. treatment centers to challenge the “co-sex addict” model and articulate the systemic abuse associated with infidelity and compulsive sexual behavior disorder.

Professional Education and Training

While we are in the process of putting together a comprehensive program that meets your expectations, we understand that you may be eager to secure your spot and we appreciate your patience.

Please subscribe to the waiting list to ensure that you receive updates and notifications once we have finalized the program.